Rock stars make it look so easy! That's their job and they do it well. Hats off to every single musician out there making it big or at least giving it their best shot.

My road to living my music dream has been no exception. Nobody could prepare me for the work involved and the sleepless nights along the way. I write my own music - with much enthusiasm. I literally get up in the middle of the night just because a line comes to me. I quickly jot it down in my book of lyrics; anticipating the next song I will use it in. It excites me and fuels me. Once those lines come together I work on the music to go with it. Will it be soft, hard, crazy, many options. Lyrics and music go hand in hand. When we listen to a favourite song one part always stands out more than the other. Some songs I love the music and really could not tell you much about the lyrics. And vice versa. I have worked hard with my music finding that balance that I know others will enjoy.
Recently, with the help of my amazing team members, I have finished the first music video. Again, a lot of hard work that could not have happened without the help of some very talented and focused professionals. Words can not explain the feeling of seeing my first song and video go live. Years of dreaming and here it was live - for the world to see. It has been a humbling experience and one that I will never forget. Is this the last song I will record and release? Are you kidding me? nTQ has a lot more to share with the world. A lot of hard work lies ahead but the adventure is beyond my wildest dreams and one that I intend on embracing.
Nothing in life is going to come to us without hard work and dedication. We invite you to join us on this journey together. Always remember to:
Prove. Them. Wrong.
